Waiting With Mary
During the season of Advent we join generations of God’s people waiting for our Savior. We join Mary as she awaits the birth of her child, Emmanuel. Throughout the years we all have seasons of advent-waiting in our lives. In a culture of instant gratification, we still must naturally wait for milestones. Recognizing them as God-sent opportunities to grow closer to Him and experiencing these advent times as such sweeten the periods of waiting, the anticipated moments, and the way we celebrate the Advent season with the Church.
Times of waiting can bring up joys and fears for us. What counts is that we see the manifold blessings of these times and live in hope-filled anticipation of what God is working. As we wait, we can draw strength from Mary’s advent awaiting the birth of the Christ-child. She can join us in filling the time with God’s joy, peace, and grace. While fears and sorrow are natural in any life change, she can help us to trust in God’s providence. Surely she didn’t understand everything about God’s will. Nevertheless, she said Yes. She gave her whole self to God with hope, love, and trust. And so must we.
So in this first season of the Church calendar I resolve not so much to fix my weaknesses (as we will do in January). Rather, I resolve to walk with Mary through the past year’s milestones and the periods of waiting that preceded them. Prayerful reflection will help me to see where God has worked in these times and with the help of grace perhaps I’ll be able to see how God has grown (even the slightest bit) in my heart. Recognizing Him there strengthens my desire to make more room for Him in all that the coming year will bring.
Many blessings on your Advent journey.