It is Angels that Help us to Pray Unceasingly
Since August of this year our community has been “flying” to the Angels and begging their intercession in our many needs. It has been pretty providential that it seems ever since that time, the Angels have been silently making their presence very much known and using many people and circumstances to reiterate the fact that they really DESIRE that we come to them and ask them to intercede for us to the Father. Oddly enough, the last two Sundays our priests have been focusing on the power of the Angels. This past Sunday the message Father gave really resonated in my heart. The lesson was tied into our beloved scripture, we hear St. Paul telling us to “pray without ceasing.” In the homily Father questioned the congregation, “How do we pray without stopping? Especially today, how do we keep praying at every moment, with the noise, the distractions, the pace of life?”
This is a great question! An extremely challenging question. As active religious, we strive each day to make every prayer one with our work, and all of our work one with our prayer. I must admit however, I have to remind myself of this and consistently renew the good intention. Luckily, Father pointed out yet again, how often we neglect to tap into the power of the Angels. He referenced the nine distinct choirs of Angels and their various jobs. Something that took me by surprise, was that it is the majority of Angels’ job to sing the praise of God all day. Why does this surprise me? Well, I thought (considering the population of this world and the amount of guardian angels assigned), most of the Angels would have the job of protection, and yet church teaching says that our Guardian Angels (which are the lowest of the angels hierarchically speaking) are actually the smallest in number.
There are 7.4 billion people (estimated) in the world, and yet 7.4 billion Guardian Angels is a small number in comparison to all the other Angels out there praying before God, praising him, fighting against evil, and attending to His will. Go figure! So, what should we do to pray unceasingly? Father said it this way, “It is the Angels that help us to pray unceasingly, so fly to the Angels.” Not only can we ask our Guardian Angel to help us be mindful that we are always in God’s presence and to make our hearts constantly recollected, but we can implore the other countless myriads upon myriads of Angels who consistently sing before the throne of God to bring our spirits with them and combine our prayers, works, joys and sufferings to his feet for his greater honor and glory.
While they are certainly a humble bunch, let us not neglect our angels. I know I will be putting mine to work full time!