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One Stone

Doesn't it feel like we just finished with the Christmas season? How can it be Lent already?? Well, even though the liturgical year seems to be moving really fast, I LOVE Lent and I'm happy it's here. Sounds strange…but I love this special period of preparation, the meditation on our Lord's sufferings, readying my heart to celebrate His resurrection.

So it hit me this weekend, that lent is starting, right now. Which raises the question…what am I giving up?

Actually, I don't necessarily think "giving something up" is always the answer, at least not for me. The point of a lenten practice is two-fold. The first purpose is to practice discipline in some way, a small act of asceticism. If I practice making little sacrifices voluntarily, I will be better prepared, spiritually and physically, to face the bigger sacrifices that inevitably come that are not of my choosing. The second purpose is to do something that will aid me in growing in my relationship with Christ. Through my action or omission, I am weeding out, if you will, the things that block me from nearness to Him. Sometimes it's physical things that get in the way, like a way I use my time, or an unhealthy habit. Often it's less tangible, like an attitude or belief, or something I've neglected, like studying the scriptures.

Now, I'm usually a pragmatist. I like killing two birds with one stone whenever possible. I think this also comes into play when I'm choosing a lenten practice/sacrifice. It's a nice idea to think I can come up with a long list of all the things I'm going to do and not do during Lent. But the reality is, I'm finishing up nursing school, plus maintaining my prayer life/relationship with my Spouse, plus keeping on top of various household responsibilities, plus helping with our retreat center, PLUS finding time to be present to my Sisters in community…so as awesome as it sounds to think I can fit in that whole list of special lenten practices, I have to be real. I'd rather find one important but accomplishable thing that will serve both to draw me closer to God, and exercise my asceticism muscle. One stone…two birds down.

That's such an awful metaphor, isn't it?

So, you might ask, what is my one stone for Lent 2016? Good question. I've honestly surprised myself with what I've come up with this year. It's something that I'm usually not in favor of--I'm going off the grid. Off the Facebook grid, that is. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Facebook is bad. In fact, I really enjoy making my Facebook page a positive place, sharing scripture verses, inspirational images and quotes, uplifting videos…with the occasional fox-jumping-on-trampoline type of video thrown in for good measure.

But I've been praying lately about the way I use my time, and how that affects me interiorly. I'm finding myself a bit disconnected from my reality, in the sense that I find it so easy to escape into my imagination, picturing how life COULD be if I had this thing or acted in this way…and I get so caught up in the fantasy that I forget to be present to my very real, and very beautiful, life. Scrolling through Facebook is one way that I get distracted from reality…and waste a lot of precious time in the process.

Because, I have this sneaking suspicion that, when I come to the end of my life and look back on where I've been, I'm not going to be thinking, "Gee, I wish I had spent more time scrolling mindlessly through Facebook watching videos of cats freaking out over cucumbers."

And so, this lent, I'm getting off Facebook, that I may struggle to discipline myself, while growing closer to Christ. Fasting from social media will free me up to focus on what is REALLY important to me…my Spouse, my Sisters, and my studies.

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